Outposted Project

Enough enough enough.. Lorna and I had had enough and just wanted to scream, so we did. It’s on the Outposted Project Stroud Map.

Bennett and McDermott : How to be Popular

April 2021 : #30works30days brief : Make a work to give to someone then give it to them. “This is Bennett and McDermott’s first ‘sale’ and so Kazz is our first collector."

This brief was ‘Learn a new skill on wikihow’ : "We googled what’s the most popular thing to learn on wikihow and How To Be Popular was number 1.

Bennett & McDermott is a collaboration between British artists Sharon Bennett and Dan McDermott. Collectively, Sharon Bennett and Dan McDermott have 30 years experience as professional artists and arts educators.


Original Instagram post.

How to be Popular : Wikihow

“What do all popular people have in common? Do they all wear the same clothes? Have the same hair? Say the same things? Of course not. There are popular people all over the world, enjoying their social status at school, work, and wherever they go. There's no magical quality that can make you popular, but if you work on getting noticed, being social, and getting involved, you will improve your chances of turning heads and getting smiles everywhere you go.”